Alkaline Detergent

Our ESI Alkaline Detergent is a low-foaming detergent designed for cleaning Medical/surgical instruments and equipment, Rubber, metal and plastic items, Respiratory therapy equipment and Glassware. It effectively removes blood and other bio-burden.

The ESI Alkaline Detergent has a strong Alkaline buffer to maintain a high pH level which is a critical feature for cleaning and corrosion protection of surgical instruments.

The ESI Alkaline Detergent contains built-in rust inhibitors and is Non-corrosive. The Alkaline buffer/ polymer system provides two modes of cleaning performance: manual and in Ultrasonic units and Automatic washers. The detergent Polymer prevents the bio-burden from re-depositing on instruments.

The ESI Low Foam Detergents are 100% biodegradable.

Available in various sizes

Cost Effective

Dilution only 1/8 - 1oz per Gallon